Freeborne Management

Core Ideas
  1. Personal Freedom – The right to live your life without interference or control from others or institutions.
  2. Self-Defense – The inherent right to protect oneself from threats or oppression.
  3. Individual Sovereignty – Each person has autonomy and should govern their own actions and decisions.
  4. Resistance to Oppression – A defiant stance against any force that seeks to infringe on freedom or individual rights.
  5. Limited Authority – Power should reside with individuals, not centralized institutions or governments.
  6. Responsibility and Accountability – With freedom comes the responsibility for one’s own actions and their consequences.
Core Rules

These foundational rules form the core of our community. No new rule may contradict or oppose them, and they cannot be revoked or altered. Please consider these rules carefully when making any proposals.

  1. The guild name is permanent and cannot be changed.
  2. The first acquirer of an item has the final say on its use, regardless of the content its acquired from.
  3. Guild entrance settings are fixed and cannot be altered.
  4. No member may be coerced into participating in events under the threat of removal or demotion.
  5. The voting system can only be modified if at least 80% of the members approve the proposal.
Voting / Proposal System
  1. Any member can propose new rules.
  2. For a proposition to be successful, it must be approved by at least 50% of the members or at least 50% of the current guild contributions.
  3. A proposition cannot be approved if more than 50% of the current members disapprove of it.
  4. Every member has the right to comment on and discuss any proposition.